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What are Prenatal Vitamins and why are they important?

Pregnancy means not just taking care of yourself but also taking care of another life inside you. This phase demands that you be vigilant about your health by taking care of what you eat, and rightly so. Understanding what works best for you and your baby ensures a healthy pregnancy period.

One of the greatest gifts you can give your baby who is still growing inside you is a wholesome and nutritious diet. Here is where the prenatal vitamins come into the picture, as these help bridge any nutritional gaps in your diet. Taking prenatal vitamins, even in the form of energy mouth sprays, allows your body to support the baby’s growth by meeting their nutritional needs.

Besides this, a tasty blend of nutritious foods with prenatal vitamins can also keep you feeling healthy during pregnancy. This helps for an easier labor. 

Here are a few essential prenatal vitamins that you should know about:

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1. Iron
Iron, in any way, is an important nutrient that your body needs, especially during your pregnancy. Iron is needed to make hemoglobin for you and the baby. It is responsible for the transportation of oxygen from your lungs to the rest of the body which includes your developing embryo. Deficiency of iron can lead to anemia, which in turn will result in weakness that makes you feel dizzy & lethargic. Anemia during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight and premature birth. Thus, to increase your intake of heme iron, include more red meat, beans, dark leafy greens, etc. in your diet or take iron supplements for women that fulfill your iron requirements. And hey, Nutrispray Iron can surely be a great and easy Iron companion during this period.

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2. Folic acid

Folic acid can prevent birth defects and helps formulate the baby’s heart and circulatory system. Did you know? A diet that’s rich in folic acid may help prevent labor before 37 weeks. This is why most doctors recommend that any pregnant woman take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily, starting before and continuing for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Increase your intake of folic acid in your body by including folic acid energy mouth spray like Nutrispray B12+Folate. Side tip: adding grapefruit, oranges, broccoli, nuts, etc., to your diet can be of great help too!

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3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays an essential role in prenatal care, from contributing to the birth weight of the baby to boosting the immune system, vitamin C does it all! Since it is a water-soluble vitamin and the body cannot store it, hence requires daily intake. Vitamin C helps in rapid tissue repair, wound healing and bone growth. It is important to note that vitamin C must be consumed in the right amount during pregnancy as per your age.

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4. Calcium & Vitamin D

Calcium, the supreme preganacy nutrient! Calcium contributes to the development of a baby’s bones and teeth. Calcium intake can also prevent the new mother from losing her own bone density. A lot of  iron supplements for women are available, however its equally important to include calcium supplements in your diet. You can fulfill your daily calcium needs through cheese, milk, yogurt, green leafy vegetables etc. Vitamin D also equally contributes to a healthy pregnancy. It helps in calcium absorption and contributes to the baby’s bones, kidney, heart, and teeth development.

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5. Vitamin E

Another fat-soluble vitamin that is important during pregnancy as it prevents your developing baby from free radicals by protecting the cells. Other benefits of vitamin E include its role in the formation of red blood cells (RBC) and strengthening your immune system to ward off viruses and bacteria. Vitamin E further helps improve the blood circulation in pregnant women which increases the circulation in the placenta, providing a healthy environment with enough oxygen for the baby.

 A well-balanced diet can provide the essential dose of vitamins and minerals, you should still take prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. This ensures that you get enough nutrients for both yourself and the baby. Make sure that if you use any of these prenatal vitamins and minerals then you are doing so in consultation with your doctor. Either way, eating nutritious food is equally essential. 

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